Maintaining your privacy and confidentiality is very important to Vachi and Vachi Associates Ltd.

Details which you provide to us through your use of our website,including personal data such as your name, address, e-mail address and your areas of interest, will be stored on a database to enable us to tailor our offerings to your requirements. If you wish to have your personal data removed from our records please e-mail us at and provide the following:

  • Your name
  • Your organisation
  • Your email address

Please note that we do monitor traffic patterns and website usage to help us enhance the design, usability, content and layout of the website. Vachi and Vachi Associates Ltd will not, without your permission, disclose your personal information to third parties, other than any Vachi and Vachi Associates Ltd group companies, unless we are required to do so by law, or by reason of any mandatory requirement imposed on us by any Government Body or Agency, or to prevent fraud or other criminal act. We may provide collective, anonymised statistics about traffic patterns and related website information.

Vachi and Vachi Associates Ltd will use all means within its reasonable control to protect your privacy. We use the information we obtain purely in accordance with your instructions and requirements. To help us keep our databases up to date we would be grateful if you would let us know as soon as any of your contact details change or if you notice any inaccuracies in them.

We will not charge you for responding to any such request to access the information that Vachi and Vachi Associates Ltd has collected about you, unless we incur costs in providing the information, in which case we will tell you what the cost is in advance of providing the information and you will be required to consent to us charging you for such cost.

By providing personal information through this website, you are indicating your consent to us obtaining your personal information and to the holding and use of the personal information that is provided by, or obtained from, you in accordance with this Privacy Policy. All personal information is processed in accordance with the principles of data protection contained in the Data Protection Act 1998.

Vachi and Vachi Associates Ltd will update its Privacy Policy as required by law or good industry practice from time to time. If changes to our Privacy Policy do occur, they will be posted on our website.



A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier that is sent to your browser from a website’s computer and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Each website can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser’s preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser only permits a web site to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites.

Cookies record information about your online preferences. Users have the opportunity to set their computers to accept all cookies, to notify them when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. The last of these, of course, means that certain personalised services cannot then be provided to that user and accordingly you may not be able to take full advantage of all of the features. Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

If you have set your computer to reject cookies you can still browse anonymously until such time as you wish to register for services. For further information on cookies please visit


Legal Information

Vachi and Vachi Associates Ltd
Registered in England